Due to the Corona-virus pandemic, ISF is operating with social distance regulation.  If you need more information or assistance, please call (301) 682-5090.


In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Prayer Timings

Thu Mar 27, 2025
Fajr 6:04 am
Sunrise 7:22 am
Zhur 1:37 pm
Asr 5:08 pm
Maghrib 7:53 pm
Isha 9:11 pm
Jumu'ah Salat is at 1:30, Insha Allah
Masjid with id 439 Not Found

Jumuah Salat is at 1:30, Insha Allah.

Donation wanted for…

Strengthening our Community by Helping

We are on a mission to help needy people, so join hands with us with your gracious donations so we can help more and more people.

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